Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Vannakam, Vandhanam, Vaazthukkal


I guess I can't just stay away from blogging. I am in a rare mood of creation and decided to plow ahead before I can out think myself. Here I go again...Trying to get across a few glimpses from a huge book called PATTI..

She who cradled me as a infant, lulling me to sleep with innumerous stories of which Krishna invariably was the hero. She who was the sole cause of me winning laurels in school and through college regaling people with stories and interpretations.

This is an ode to the immense culture called Hinduism. To their marvellous folk lore and imagination that gave us epic such Mahabharata and Ramayana.

This blog will also hope to depict the rich lives of Indians, try to trace important trivia and history. It will be an attempt by this blogger to try to get people more in touch with Prabhandham and Thiru Kovils especially the 108 Thirupathis of the Sri Vaishnava trend.

Mistakes are to borne with and will be corrected as soon as pointed out. Criticisms and comments are welcome.

Thank you for your patronage.



Unknown said...

I thought I missed a writer.
I thought I need to stare only at my mails hereafter.
I thought internet is boring again.
But, thank God, you're back!

When did you move your blog?
Welcome again!

Badhri said...

108 Tirupathi's, huh!?
Here is one for starters!

Vanjula said...

Nirmal, thanks.
not just 108 thirupathis. Just some odd bits and pieces of information lerant over the years.. A theological pensieve