Friday, April 11, 2014

Naamangal Udaya Nambi

One thing that is reinforced again and again in our Sampradaya is the power of Namasankeertana. The pleasure that is derived from chanting Emperuman's names. More than anything these names are our weapons against darkness - within and outside of ourselves.

We know of the wonderful story when the Lord, being praised for His swift help to Panchali to restore her dignity, disarmingly replied - it is not Me who saved her - it was My name - Govinda. The instance of Gajendra who shouted a single word 'Adhi moolame'  and the Lord came running to him.

Time and again Azhwars and Acharyans highlight this fact that only Emperuman's name is succour to all of us who are lost in this samsara and kaliyuga. I was trying to learn Thirumaalai when Swami Thondaradipodi azhwar's words struck me speechless. I am not fit to describe the pasuram and its power but it made me feel that everyone must know this.

The pasuram goes :
                           Namanum Murkalanum pesa
                                Narahil nindraargal ketka
                           Naragame suvargamagum
                                Namangal udaya Nambi!

Finding its roots in the puranas, this story itself is very interesting. One day this soul called Murkalan went to the gates of Hell. Naman (Lord Yama) came outside and started talking to him. They were talking about the Lord's names and their power. The lost souls inside gates happened to hear this conversation and hereby the Lord's name. Soon hell became heaven and Lord Yama did not have a job anymore.

In a previous pasuram, azhwar has already gone over this :

          "Moondrezhthu udaya peyaral, Kathirabandu andre Parangathi kandukondan!"

This is true to our inner hell as well. As humans we are subject to varying emotions. Anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, fear - anything evil pictured outside comes only from inside. The root is still within us. His name becomes a medicine for these ills as well. It converts our inner hell into heaven every single day we live on this earth. Gives clarity, peace and purpose to us. Guides us to Him who is both the path and the end. Becomes our weapons and  win wars for us.

Naragame Suvargamagum namangal udaya nambi!

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